Healthy Pregnancy Information on Proper Beauty Care, Exercise & Nutrition

Women are having babies later in life, and many women are into their forties before the biological time bomb goes off, leaving them thinking, "Omigad: I've just got to have a baby RIGHT NOW". The sudden baby urge is a phenomenon that has never been explained satisfactorily, and now, with women starting high-powered careers in their twenties, and realizing fifteen years down the road that, in the struggle of getting that MBA they forgot to do things about getting pregnant, it isn't so much explored as it is attacked with calendars, hormones, thermometers and implantations.

It's safer than ever before to have a late-life child, but Down syndrome and other birth defects do become more likely, and complications that result in injury to the mother are more likely too. The fact is, our bodies are vastly different at forty-something than they are at twenty-something; less resilient, longer to heal. Modern medical care makes it possible for preemies of under one pound to grow into healthy adults, and with today's understanding of the importance of planning, nutrition, and supplements such as folic acid, older moms experience much less risk than they did even ten years ago.

If you're pregnant and in your late thirties to early forties, you probably have inner and outer resources than younger women. You've probably planned your pregnancy, painted the nursery and are emotionally ready for motherhood. You may even have money saved for your child's education. So, with all your ducks in a tidy row, it may seem even more unfair that morning sickness, fatigue, bloating and blotchy skin are dancing attendance on your upcoming blessed event.

It may not be a surprise to you that many of the things you should be doing to stay healthy during pregnancy are also the things that will keep you looking your best, even in those early, wretched and retching, weeks. Read on for before, during and after beauty tips for pregnant ladies and brand-new moms.

1. I know you think you should be and could be Superwoman. You could try, but you'll probably just wear yourself out, and frankly, they don't give awards for Superwomen. If you can afford it, cut back on the work hours, take every sick day, holiday and personal day off, and don't even think about taking a shorter-than-usual maternity leave.

2. Rest. Step away from the computer, put your feet up, close your eyes, read a book, listen to music. Sleep doesn't count as rest, by the way: your normal nighttime sleep is also still required. Rest in between meetings at work, take naps on weekends, and avoid social events you don't really want to attend anyway by saying quietly (and with just a hint of gravity), "Oh, I'd love to, but I can't. I have to rest."

3. To assist you in resting, consider having groceries or dry cleaning delivered, go out for a meal once in awhile instead of cooking at home, and enlist the aid of those who live with you in things like doing the dishes, putting stuff away, or cleaning the tub. You might feel guilty before the baby comes, but once that wee creature arrives, you'll kick yourself for not having pre-trained your family to help.

4. When you aren't resting, exercise. Take walks, go swimming or take water aerobics, do whatever activities your ob-gyn says is okay for your particular stage of gestated bliss. Exercise is great for the skin, perks up the mental attitude, keeps the kilos down, and promotes your baby's health too.

5. Obviously, you won't smoke, take dope, use over-the-counter medications, or drink alcohol. Pay attention to your caffeine intake, too (remember, what Mommy does, Baby does too). Also, watch the sugar. Diabetes occurs more frequently in older pregnant women, and watching your diet can help keep your blood sugar under control.

6. Undereye circles sometimes come along with morning sickness because you get dehydrated, and it shows up in the thinning skin under the eyes. Drink plenty of water throughout your pregnancy.

7. Buy the prettiest maternity clothes you can find. Subsiding into sweats for months on end will compound any feelings of unattractiveness you may experience. Your body will certainly grow rounder--even around the ankles--but that's no reason to give up on fashion. Fashion loves you, and will always take you back.

8. Your skin color may change during pregnancy, and you may need to buy different shades of makeup. Some lucky women look fabulous between months four and eight: their skin glows, their eyes sparkle. If you are one of these women, count your blessings. If you're one of the other 90%, treat yourself to an occasional facial.

9. Some women get acne from the drastic hormonal surges of pregnancy. Check with your doctor before using anything remotely medicinal: your skin may absorb chemicals that aren't good for the baby. The acne is temporary, and will disappear once your body's hormone levels have evened out.

10. During your pregnancy and after the baby comes, accept help when it's offered. Lots of new moms feel that they should be able to do everything themselves, but in fact, it takes a village to keep Baby's laundry done. Line up a reliable sitter before the birth, so that as soon as you can, you can go out for dinner or a movie without worrying. Let friends cook you dinner, and coerce family members into chores. Fatherly creatures should also be pressed into service when it comes to hourly chores such as feeding, changing or holding Baby.Training your partner in baby-tending does more than get you some extra sleep: it helps Dad and Baby bond.

Beauty Tips For Teens

Let's face it. Being a teenager means being self-conscious, pretty much all the time. and, if you're a teenage girl, especially one whose skin, complexion or overall appearance is not "picture perfect" that can make the whole experience even worse. (This of course, can apply to any girl, depending on her frame of mind). Fortunately, here are some beauty tips that can come to the rescue for your face and skin type, so you can meet the world refreshed and ready, as well as some make-up and safety tips for when you're going out and having fun. All this said, always remember that true self improvement comes from within, and that while looking good on the outside, in terms of being presentable and attractive, are always find a strive for, but never define who you are.

Facial Skin Care Tip
Some people can confuse the physical transformation that comes with putting makeup on, with a sort of personal transformation, but again this is not the truth. When you feel beautiful inside, you will be more attractive to others on the outside. Makeup will not do it.

From a practical physical standpoint, it is a good idea to remember that your skin needs to breathe. It is important to keep your skin as natural as possible- so try and keep makeup is minimal as is necessary and keep going, "all-out" for special occasions like parties.

Mirrors with good high quality lighting are great for examining your skin – although the first time you take a really good close look it can be a loud and shocking personal alarm to take some fast action, if you’ve neglected your skin. Beauty tip no 1 is to take a close look at it at home and ensure before you do that you’ve done a good job of makeup removal. This can especially be true in the summer, when the excess heat can cause problems faster, if you've left any makeup on your face for an extended period of time.

If your face is usually dry: Before you shower, apply a rich moisturizing mask or thick layer of moisturizer. The moist heat helps the mask plump up fine lines and creases temporarily. Apply a heavy layer of petroleum jelly to lips. At the end of the shower, use a warm damp washcloth to gently massage off both treatments, and then use a naturally made loofah to bring out a natural, healthy glow.

If your skin is naturally oily: Use toner before and after you get out of the shower, before, to clean off any oil that has risen to the surface during sleep, and again when you get out to take off any oil that has surfaced from the heat of the water.

If you have combination skin, only apply toner masks to the "T" area on your face, you could cause your cheeks to redden from applying toner there.
Dab yellow or skin-tone concealer on blue under eye circles. Stay away from lighter skin tone or white cover-ups. You can get free samples to try out in the privacy of your own home and samples are available for all skin tones.

Hair Care Tip
Dwayne, the African-American Culture contributing hair care expert, shares a secret beauty tip on how to prevent hair breakage while you sleep for all hair types, not just black women. Spilt ends have a tendency to get caught on the cotton and your tossing and turning will actually pull the caught pieces out of your head. So little by little, if you were wearing a cotton scarf to protect your hair while you sleep, you may actually be making it worse! It is highly recommended that you either wrap your hair up in silk or satin scarves at night or sleep on silk or satin pillows.

Indian, has some good Indian (and non Indian as well) beauty tips on make up and skin care for teens. Here's the secret: If you are getting ready for a night on the town, choose a foundation closest to your natural skin tone, and foundation that is to be sure to blend it past your jaw line and across your neck (so it doesn't look as though you're wearing a mask). When it comes to eye shadow, choose a color slightly darker than your eyes.

Beauty Accessory Ideas
As far as accessories, a hot gift idea for a teen with a low-budget can be decorative jewelry, that doesn't necessarily have to come from Tiffany's. There are plenty of places online where you can shop for attractive and very reasonably priced items. Believe it or not, the way you move can actually be one of the most attractive or off-putting features you have. When you can move more gracefully and assuredly, that puts out an air of confidence which will make a difference to matter what it is you are or are wearing. Consider taking a dance lesson, enrolling in some sort of after school sport like gymnastics where you can learn more control over your balance and agility. You may think, what does this have to do with looking good when I'm going out to a party- but once you've got grace and agility in what is referred to as your "muscle memory", it will make a difference in all areas of your life.

And lastly, I always think, especially if going out at night, that taking the time to buy pepper spray, even if it's a teeny little canister that goes on a keychain can be one of the best "accessories" you can own for your own and your loved one's peace of mind. It's probably one of those things you'll never need to use that you'll always be happy you have.