Get A Healthy Whiter Smile With Toothbrush, Toothpaste & Whitener Products Professionals Use

Taking care of your teeth means more than brushing with a good toothbrush twice a day with a flouridated toothpaste, and visiting the dentist twice a year, but those are the basics for caring for your smile. As we get older, problems with bad teeth and gums start to show in terms of yellowing, chipping or sensitivity. With age, teeth lose their whiteness and begin to yellow: one sure-fire way to take years off your appearance is by whitening your teeth with a home or professional whitener.

The truth about over the counter whitening toothpastes
Many toothpastes claim to be "whitening", but when you read the label, you'll see the only active ingredient is fluoride. Fluoride is necessary for preventing cavities, but it doesn't do a thing for whiter teeth. Other over-the-counter "whitening" products include baking soda and peroxide. Baking soda wisdom works by friction: it polishes stains from teeth. But, if your enamel is thin in places, baking soda can wear it further, exposing the dentin layer beneath the enamel. When that happens, you wind up with a brown spot or pit in the tooth. These spots often appear along the gemlike, where enamel tends to wear away naturally and is weak. Whitening toothpastes can't fix worn enamel: it takes a trip to the dentist to replace the missing layer with bonding.

Strengthing and repairing worn tooth enamel
Worn enamel comes with age: it also appears in younger people who grind their teeth, people who eat a lot of acidic foods, and people with bulimia whose enamel has been worn away by stomach acids. People with chronic heartburn or acid reflux disease may also have enamel worn off by acid, but for bruxers (or people who grind their teeth), the enamel comes off because of the pressure exerted by the jaws. The enamel flakes or cracks off under the pressure. If you grind your teeth, your dentist will recommend that you wear a plastic night guard over your teeth at night.

Natural tooth whitening remedy and products
Peroxide is the classic at-home tooth whitening ingredient. Toothpastes like Rembrandt contain peroxide in a dosage that, over a period of weeks or months, has a bleaching affect on teeth by six shades or more. Depending on your teeth's sensitivity, you may prefer slower-working toothpastes to quick-acting whitening kits. Bleach can make teeth sensitive, so if you try a tooth-whitener, go slow at first, and maybe pair it with a sensitivity-reducing paste such as Sensodyne.

Professional dentist tooth whitening - $$$$
If you're in a hurry, you can have your teeth professionally whitened in about an hour at the dentist's for around $300. Your dentist may use a combination of topical bleaching gel and a light activator to get your teeth super-white in no time at all.

Whiten your teeth without a trip to the dentist
If you don't want to spend several hundred dollars, you have other options. Rembrandt has a new two-hour whitening system (Rembrandt 2-Hour White from that uses trays and a gel to whiten teeth in a much shorter time than the usual two-week period needed for other whiteners. You leave the trays on for 20 minutes, then take them out for ten minutes, alternating until the two hours are up. Or you can try other popular at home whiteners, like Crest White Strips, which take about a week to complete the whitening process.

Lose Weight - Not too Fast

One of the best things you can do for your body to get rid of that excess body fat and lose weight. But it is tempting to try weight loss pills or accident plans that promise a quick solution. The truth is that the safest and most effective way to lose weight and keep it off to follow a healthy diet and exercise program. Do not forget that May took years for you to gain weight. Why you expect it to go away in a week? It must work, but the rewards are worth it. In this article we will learn why it is important to lose weight, but not too fast.

Everyone knows that the best way to lose weight is to burn more calories than we consume. That said, many of us take this thinking too far and drop the number of calories we consume drastically. This can be dangerous and can lead to long-term health problems. We need a minimum amount of calories that our body works correctly, and if you exercise, May you need more calories than you think.

Here is what happens to your body when you follow a diet that is low in calories: First, your body will use up its stores of carbohydrates, or glycogen and water with which it is stored in the liver and muscles. Once the body has used this source of energy, it begins to use proteins that are found in muscles, which can leave you feeling tired and irritable.

Soon, metabolism slows, forcing your body into a kind of starvation mode. At that time, the body begins to store calories as he does not know when it will be more.

Worse still, when crash dieters resume their old eating habits, since they often want to do, the body does not know how to handle the new influx of calories, and begins to store and this weight gain.

Not every body is the same and the amount of calories you need May not be the same for other members of your family. To be sure you get the calories you need to lead a healthy life, talk to your doctor or nutritionist.

About Essential Oils

Essential oils are very powerful and concentrated oils extracted from plants, leaves, flowers, roots, buds, twigs, rhizomes, heartwood, bark, resin, seeds and fruits. Essential oils are in gland secretion in cells or plant life. Aromatic substances are formed and stored in certain organs of a plant as a by-product or because of its metabolism. Each essential oil has its own plan that is absolutely unique. The combination of plants plans, the energy of the sun, soil, air and water gives each individual's perfume oil and healing properties (antibiotics, hydration therapy etc) and its flavors (citrus , Flowers, plants and timber).

It must also be stated that essential oils have positive influence on our mental, and spiritual provision.

The top note (the head) is bracing, refreshing and improves concentration. These are ethereal, delicate perfume ad costs that will last about half an hour (citrus oils).

The heart notes (middle) gives harmony and peace. This note, accounts for one side of the sensual fragrance. These are floral aromas that develop in higher temperatures, and approximately 4 - 6 hours.

The base note (below) is stabilizing, strengthening and help to regain energy.

These are heavy, sweet, deep and long-term development of oil after 30-60 min and last for about 8 hours (wood and lumber).

Some species are included in the blast heart or heart - down notes. They have a double effect. First, heart-high note is to stimulate, smoothing and adjusting, while the heart notes below strengthens and brings harmony.

Taking Care of Combination Skin

Combination skin is generally characterized by two extreme types of skin, such as fat and dry skin, which occur on the same side. If the presence of a T-oilier area is considered normal, the extreme of a very oily T-zone and the presence of acne with larger pores with very dry cheeks and small pores are considered combination skin. In some cases, this could be caused by a skin condition called seborrheic eczema, a visit to a dermatologist May be in order to help your skin to find the right balance. Caring for this type of skin can be difficult, but it can be done. Here are some tips to care for combination skin.

The first line of defense in combination keeping the skin is clean skin. Avoid using soaps and cleansers that are colored or scented, as they may irritate the skin. Also avoid using cleaners that are formulated for oily skin, which can irritate parts of the skin is dry. Use a mild cleanser at least twice a day, and to try three times if you can. Experts disagree whether today toner is needed in your skin routine, like most modern cleaners help keep your skin rejuvenated. But the ink may help remove any residue of cleanser and does not feel good on the skin. If you normally use ink, you do not need to stop until you are not using a toner that contains alcohol because it can severely dry skin.

Always use a moisturizer after you wash your face. You can try a moisturizer formulated for combination skin or normal to oily. Moisturizing can help even the fatty parts of the skin, such as cleansing worked to remove excess oil and moisturizing cream helps keep skin hydrated.

Finally, always remove your makeup before going to bed. Leave on the composition will clog the pores and help buttons and a black head to develop. No matter how tired you are or how late you go home, always used to remove your makeup at the end of the day.

Taking Care of Wasted Skin

Wasted skin is characterized by skin that is ravaged by the environment. Stress, smog, pollution, lifestyle and other factors can leave their mark on the skin, leaving the search for fatigue or even discolored. This is often because the skin does not receive enough oxygen. If you live in a city populated or are under great stress, do not worry, as there are things you can do to help keep your face fresh and healthy. Here are some tips to take care of the skin wasted.

The first step in the fight against the wasting of the skin is to wash your face regularly. Avoid using soap because it can irritate the skin. Instead, try a mild cleanser and wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. This is especially important if you're dealing with pollution or smog.

The toner can be used to remove any residue remains of the cleanser and also the skin feel updated. Be sure to avoid the ink containing alcohol, because it too can dry the skin. Moisturizing is also an important part of your skin routine, as it will help keep skin hydrated. Try a moisturizer for your skin type or advertising to feed or regeneration of properties, and the best are those that contain an SPF of at least 15.

Other advice to the healing of your skin is lost in trying to use a humidifier in your home or where you work, if you can, that can help keep your skin moisturized, try moisturizing masks or regenerative once a week, and make sure you get plenty of rest. Also, make sure you get a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. A healthy diet can go a long way in keeping your skin looking healthy through the water keeping your skin hydrated and size of vitamins and other nutrients found in fresh food.

Tone your Backside with These Daily Exercises

Chances are you’ve heard of Curves, Nautilus and the Buns of Steel video. However, if you’ve tried it all and still don’t have a toned back side, you may just need a new approach. Butt toning and thigh exercises are often the most feared, leaving many women with butt flab left without tone. However, with these simple and effective daily tips you can quickly have the best gluteal muscles on the block!.

Reach Behind Move
Equipment Needed: A sturdy wall for balance and optional light-weight dumbbells.

Instructions: Stand a few feet away from a wall, facing it. Place your hands flat against the wall. Slightly bend your knees. Keeping one foot on the floor, lift the other foot off the floor. Keep your knee bent, supporting your balance. Be sure to keep the abs tight, the hips slightly forward and the torso almost parallel to the floor.

Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps (or 10 on each side). Take a one minute break in between each set. To make this more difficult, hold light-weight free weight dumbbells in your hands throughout the exercise.

Lunge With A Rise
Equipment Needed: A stair and dumbbells.

Instructions: Stand about 2 feet away from the first stair on the staircase (or away from your stair-stepping bench). Hold a dumbbell in each hand and step forward onto the stair with your right foot. Allow your left heel to rise off of the floor, with the knee slightly bent toward the floor in a lunge position. Repeat the process with the opposite leg. This will greatly start slimming the buttocks, glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.

Reps: Start with 1 set of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to do it without a stair and practice it on flat flooring.

London Bridge Lift
Equipment Needed: None

Instructions: Lie flat on your back and bend your knees. With your feet flat on the floor, place your arms at your sides. Squeeze your butt and lift your hips off of the floor for a count of two. With your hips in the air, extend one leg out toward the sky. Lower your leg and hips. Repeat the move with the opposite leg.

Reps: Start with 2 sets of 10 reps each day. To make this move easier, you can choose to not extend your legs. Instead, you can only work on lifting your hips.

A buttocks workout is a fitness must when it comes to overall training. You can quickly learn how to firm your rear muscles and experience cellulite and fat reduction in your buttocks and thigh area. These exercises paired with cardio workouts (or Pilates and yoga) can give you a sexy butt in no time!

Cure a Common Ingrown Toenail With a Foot Bath Home Remedy

Although most foot care experts say that clipping toe nails straight across helps prevent in grown toenails, you may still fall victim to one anyway: it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, it can happen to anyone. Shoes that don’t fit right can cause an ingrown nail, as can just being on your feet or walking a lot. If a nail is becoming ingrown, you’ll first notice that it’s feeling tender where the nail is pushing into the side of your skin. You may find yourself favoring that foot, or pressing your toe against the inside of your shoes.

If you don’t catch it soon enough, the toe will become inflamed where the nail is digging into the soft skin of your toe. People who ignore their ingrown toenails end up having surgery, because things can get infected pretty fast. I saw a picture of a neglected toenail once, and I’ll never get the image out of my head.

If you think you’re getting an ingrown toenail, soak your foot in hot water, and even add some lavender or tea tree oil to help soften the skin further. After you’ve given it a good soak, say twenty or thirty minutes, see if you can pull the embedded nail up on the corner, lifting it away from the skin. You can use a nail file for this delicate operation, just barely, slowly sliding it under the edge of the nail. Be careful that your hand doesn’t slip –the pain will be enormous. (I probably don’t have to tell you to be gentle –the agony in your toe will make you ever so careful!)

Sometimes it takes more than one soaking to get the nail soft enough to lift from the skin. Especially if you have thin, sharp nails, they are more likely to bite into the sides of the toe. If you don’t succeed the first time, dry off your poor foot, dab on lavender or tea tree oil (they both have antiseptic and antibiotic properties) or some Neosporin, and try again tomorrow. In the mean time, stay off your foot as much as possible, and when you put your shoes on in the morning, first wrap your toe with a thick, soft bandage to cushion it.

A newly ingrown toenail will usually concede de-feet (har-har) after three or four days of gently soaking and cautious prying. Once the nail lifts past the skin, trim the nail with a small pair of scissors, and if your toe’s not too sore, file it smooth. Now you will have a tender, pink channel in your toe where the nail once pressed. Keep it bandaged and clean. To prevent infection, apply antibiotics after bathing until your toe doesn’t hurt anymore.

If the toenail is stubborn and you can’t get it out after several tries, hobble off to the doctor, who will put it to rights for you.

Ingrown toenails are like ear infections: some people go their whole lives without having a single toenail upset, and others are plagued by then. Once you get one, it’s more likely to recur, so make sure you treat your feet nicely, buy good shoes that fit right, and pay attention to any toe pain that arises.

I like to read the old books on how to be beautiful, and one important adage is to buy the most expensive shoes you can afford, even if your feet are strange sizes and your shoes have to be custom-made. It makes sense, considering the importance of foot health to daily life. Bad shoes can add corns and bunions even to young feet, and they affect your posture and back health. Not sexy topics, but prevention is everything when it comes to caring for your ten dancing toes!

Dark Under Eye Circles Treatment & How to Hide or Lighten Them with Makeup

Most women over thirty will at some point wonder how to get rid of under eye circles. There are three ways to attack the problem of dark under-eye circles: prevention, topical application and cosmetic restoration. Holistic prevention, while being the easiest solution for some people is also the least effective for most.

What Causes Under-Eye Circles & Darkness
Dark circles under the eyes tends to be a genetic issue and practically unavoidable if dark under eye areas run in your family. But for people whose genetic background doesn't predispose them to dark circles, the easiest solution may be to get some sleep and drink a lot more water. One of the first signs of fatigue or dehydration is dark circles that appear under the eyes. The under-eye skin is thin, with a membrane that runs between a fatty layer and the outer layer of skin we see. When your body needs water, it shows up around the eyes first. Drinking liquor causes dehydration, as does over consumption of sugar and caffeine. Stress also causes under eye puffiness. Diet can impact your face too, especially if you have food allergies, and sulfites in wine can wreak havoc on the delicate skin around your eyes. So, once again, the answer nobody wants to hear: you might be able to banish undereye circles from within by taking care of your health.

Natural Home Remedies for Dark Under Eye Circles
But home remedies can only do so much. If your dark under eye circles don't budge even after a long nap and eight glasses of water a day, it's time to go the cosmetic or make up route. There are lots of options here, some more useful than others. Moisturizers are helpful mainly in that if you have lines around your eyes, the shine from the moisturizer will help lessen them and create a lighter look. Look for moisturizers with natural ingredients such as avocado oil, sesame, Vitamin K and Vitamin E. Moisturizer also works well as a base for under eye makeup like concealer because it smoothes the skin and makes it easier to apply a tinted cosmetic. There are no make-up secrets here: moisturizer will help other makeup keep from caking.

Best Beauty Product to Hide Dark Eye Circles
The best beauty product for under eye circles is concealer, and most makeup artists agree that it's important to use one with a slight golden color, as yellow tones counteract dark ones. Chamomile has long been known as a natural remedy for skin, and some concealers contain this ingredient which can help cure as it covers. Concealer is great for dealing with dark circles as long as you get the right shade and apply it correctly. Some women make the mistake of choosing a concealer that's too light: then you wind up with reverse-raccoon eyes, where the whiteness under your eyes looks strange and somewhat alien. The ideal concealer is usually a shade lighter than your foundation. To some extent, the area under the eyes is somewhat shadier than the rest of your face because the eye sockets naturally are somewhat receded into the face. If your concealer is too light, your eyes will disappear in the glare.

Non Surgical and Surgical Treatments to Correct Puffy Under Eyes
If you're tired of trying to erase your circles with eye cream, you may be looking for a treatment or even a cure. Looking tired all the time can affect your morale as well as the way people treat you. There are non-surgical options to eliminate puffy or dark undereye areas: injections performed by cosmetic surgeons can fill the hollows, and need repeating every three or four months. A really good ocularfacial surgeon can tighten the skin of the eyelids, reducing the puffiness and eliminating the dark circles for years to come. Called blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery can get rid of dark circles, puffy upper or lower eyelids and hollow, tired looking eyes. If you go this route, make sure to find a specialist who has done thousands of eyelids, ask to see before and after pictures and check with the local medical board to check the surgeon's history with other patients

Losing Weight Are There Any Disadvantages?

Keep your body in shape is the best way to ward off disease and help you live longer, life complete. For those who are overweight, weight loss may be difficult but rewarding road. If there are drawbacks to lose weight, they are most often because of the way the weight was lost or how quickly. There are also some cases where weight loss can be a sign of disease. In this article we take a look at some of the disadvantages of weight loss.

The best way to lose weight is to follow a healthy diet and exercise regime, but some are tempted by the weight loss of fat schemes following an accident or the food supply. Crash diets are notoriously difficult to follow and often long-term sustainable results. These schemes are often composed of very low-calorie meals, leading to the loss of carbohydrates and water stored in the body, instead of fat.

Most people resume their normal eating habits after the accident following a diet, which leads not to return the weight loss, but also more weight. The reason is that the body goes into starvation mode when it does not receive the amount of calories they need, and once the calories are increased when the diet there, the body does not know how to deal with new amounts and the stores instead of burning it.

The best way to lose weight without danger is to forget trying to lose weight in a short period of time and do so safely by following a healthy diet.

However, sometimes the weight loss is a sign of the disease. If you have not changed your diet or exercise habits and are losing weight, it could be a symptom of problems such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism and even some types of cancer. If you think you've lost a lot of weight without changing your habits usual May you wish to consult your doctor.