How to Prevent Chronic Halitosis By Learning What Causes Your Bad Breath

I once took a class in Argentine Tango, which was set up so that men and women constantly exchanged partners while learning the stylized steps. That was okay, but there was one guy who had zero rhythm, and three minutes of trying to tango with him (counting to himself and still failing his steps miserably) was like a stumbling, cursing lifetime. But dancing with that poor klutz (I'm no Pavlova, by the way) was nothing compared to the man whose breath was so bad, I had to fight to hold my own breath or simply go mad. In the few steps where we turned away from each other, I had to gasp for a fresh breath of air, then turn for the next hellish step into the miasma. I felt bad for the man at first: clearly, taking a tango class wasn't going to make him popular with women as long as he could not get rid of his bad breath. But soon, I started to hate him: how could he not know the effect his breath had on others? Why wouldn't he chew a mint, for crying out loud?

It was so bad that I actually considered telling him, a total stranger, that he should chew gum so I could bear to dance with him. I didn't have to go that far, though, because in the end, I met a lovely, sexy, middle-aged psychologist who was not only a fine and graceful dancer, but who smelled nice and liked to dance with me. He managed to show up in front of me more and more often in the partner exchanges, and soon, I hardly danced with anyone else.

Preventing bad breath from occurring or at least affecting others
I brush my teeth about five times a day, and chew gum too. I good swish of mouthwash can be quite refreshing after a garlic filled dinner as well. But there have been times when forays into Vietnamese cooking or beer-and-pizza-with-the-guys has left my mouth less than fresh, which is why I carry gum in my purse for emergencies. This is a quick, temporary solution to curing lunchtime bad breath. While some people swear by breath mints, I've found that they don't do much for eliminating your breath once they're gone.

Natural Solution to Stop Bad Breath
If you don't want to get into any serious breath medications, there simpler more natural products available. For super-halitosis emergencies, you can use Breath Assure, which is nothing more than capsules of parsley oil. You don't chew them (I tried it once and was rewarded with a strong, sweet, oily taste that made me look like my friends' cat the day we tried to give him Benadryl to reduce the swelling from a spider bite. The vet didn't specify the type, just the dosage, and the liquid baby-dose Benadryl made him foam at the mouth for two hours. It was extremely unnerving.) The parsley oil works wonders, eliminating garlic breath and sweetening the breath for hours. Maybe that's why Greek, Turkish and Arabic cuisines combine parsley with lemon and garlic for relishes, salads and sauces.

If you are on a date and in a pinch with absolutely no breath prevention methods on hand, try eating the parley sprig most restaurants place of their plates as decoration. It's free, easily available, and it works! Just be discreet so your date doesn't catch on to your halitosis worries.

Causes of Bad Breath
Bad breath that comes from food is easily finished off by brushing your teeth, scraping your tongue, flossing, gum chewing or the aforementioned Breath Assure, but chronic bad breath can be a symptom of other problems health problems such as tooth decay, sinus infection, gum disease, or stomach problems. Eating disorders can also create halitosis from the stomach acids churned up by hunger or by vomiting. If you (or the guy in your tango class) experience chronic bad breath, the first thing to do is get to your dentist for a checkup. After ruling out possible dental care issues, your dentist may recommend a visit to the doctor to rule out other illnesses.

Home Treatment Remedy for Halitosis
Old mouthwashes contained alcohol and mint flavorings. New mouthwashes include zinc and chlorine dioxide. Zinc stops the process that creates the sulfur compounds in the mouth, which are largely responsible for causing bad breath. Chlorine dioxide kills the sulfur that's already present. You may decide to add mouthwash to your regular hygiene program whether or not you have other health issues that need to be resolved in order to stop chronic halitosis for good.

Hair Straighteners - Top 10 Review

There are many ways to create the smooth, shiny appearance of the hair pin right. Here is a review of the first ten methods of straightening hair, in no particular order.

  1. Shampoo and Conditioner: There are many shampoos and conditioners on the market today to help encourage your hair to recover, but most should be used in conjunction with another product. Be sure to look for products that can help protect your hair from the heat of blow drying or ironing, and choose a very good conditioning.
    Silicone serum: Adding a touch of silicone serum give your hair shine, but watch as a little goes a long way.
  2. Straight Blow Dry wind drying is an effective way to straighten your hair, but it should be used with a product protection and you must use a weekly salary packaging to keep your hair healthy. Remember that the heat is not as important as a good strong airflow.
  3. Ion Conditioning Blow Dryers: A new concept in hair drying time, these blow-dryer send negative ions for the hair, replacing the moisture and protect the hair, but also reduce drying time.
  4. Recovery balm: Usually used in conjunction with blow drying or ironing, a pickup balm can help reduce frizz, especially in wet weather, and protect dry hair.
  5. Lines of chemicals: chemicals lines should always be applied by a professional, as everyone's hair is different. The good news is that the lines chemicals may keep the hair straight up to six months, but the hair needs a large number of air conditioning, blow dryer should be used sparingly, and adding color could damage the hair.
  6. Thermal reconditioning: This new procedure, which was developed in Japan, is a way to straighten hair, and is good for all hair types. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time and can be very expensive.

Finally, we will take a look at three different types of irons recovery:

Ceramic Hair lines: Hair irons have ceramic plates have very smooth surfaces, generally do not have edges that captures the hair, and heat very quickly, within thirty seconds.

Guidelines Titanium Hair: Hair irons titanium plates infuse the hair with negative ions that help protect the hair and helps prevent color fading hair.
Hair Lines Steam: Steam is an effective way to recover the hair, but beware of products hurts that will eventually break or cause water to spill over you as you iron your hair.

Plastic Surgery Dimples The Secret Of An Endearing Smile

We always admire perfect beauty the way we are dreaming of it. We adore beautiful celebrities and appreciate the almost perfect looks and body of any beauty pageant candidates. It is all about your looks that people start to notice you. These beautiful and stunning celebrities or the doll like beauty pageant candidates are either endow naturally with beauty and good physical structure or enhanced by needles and knives of plastic surgery.

The plastic surgery procedure can reshape and hide your unwanted body parts and preserves youth such as wrinkle free skin. Nowadays the increasing demand to be beautiful is not limited only within the body parts such as nose, abdomens, youthful skin but also a perfect smile through plastic surgery dimples.

Let us understand first why everyone is not gifted with dimples on their cheeks. These invisible indentions on the cheeks are dominantly inherited. This genetic inheritance of dimples can either be visible on two cheeks or on just one side of the cheek. Though most of the population admired the dimples on the cheeks, it is actually considered as a facial defect in the medical field. This is caused by the irregular growth of the muscles in the cheeks. Hence, you can notice that there are children with dimples on their cheeks and as they grow older, it starts to vanish. This is because the improper cheek muscle growth which caused the dimple is now fully developed.

Now with the new innovation of cosmetic technology, there is now a surgical procedure to implant dimples on the cheeks to attain the perfect smile you have been dreaming and admiring. Though people generally like dimples, other cultures perceive it as a sign of greater chance of fertility, good fortune and a better probability of marriage proposals.

It is always preferential to have dimples on both sides of the cheeks. However for a perfect smile through plastic surgery dimples, it is advocated to start off with a single dimple on one side of the cheek. Apart from the healing time, it will also allow the surgeon to calculate and view the depth and shape which will copied the same on the other side of the cheek. Doing the dimples on both side of the cheeks together will have greater possibility that the dimples will not appear the same in terms of its depth and shape.

The patient can actually decide the shape of the dimple. Though such preference will only be limited, the options can be either a large or small dimple. Opting for a large dimple, the effect on the check will be more ovoid or referred to as a less circular. It is more highly recommended to leave an impact of having a naturally dimple. Such options of the shapes of the dimples will greatly vary on the surgeons as they have their own methods and techniques.

The plastic surgery dimples are actually considered as a minor surgical operation. The patient can come to the surgical center for your dimple creation and leave on the same day. It is an outpatient procedure hence you will be injected with local anesthesia only.

Do Vitamins Help Fighting ACNE?

With so many Americans do not follow a healthy diet, it is not surprising that many of us do not receive the correct amount of vitamins and minerals we need. May he also explain why acne, which struck adolescents and adults for centuries, appears to be increasingly important. In fact, there are vitamins that can help fight and prevent acne, and the best way to get them to eat foods rich in vitamins. In this article we take a look at some of the best vitamins, you must look in your diet to help fight acne.

Vitamin A, also known as beta-Carotin or retinol, is very important for your skin, because when there is a deficiency, the skin tends to look dry and rough. It should also consume vitamin A with vitamin E, vitamin A as needed fat that is found in vitamin E in order of the body to digest well.

Vitamin C, long known for its help in the fight against colds, is an antioxidant. Most forms of vitamin C are not absorbed through the skin, but can be found in a wide variety of foods, including citrus.

Vitamin D comes to us through the sunlight. While too much sun exposure is bad for your skin, there are certainly advantages to be it in small doses.

Although vitamin E is generally considered useful healing, it may also be useful in the fight against acne, thanks to its antioxidant properties. Studies suggest that it should be taken in small doses.

Niacin helps open blood vessels, helping the smooth flow below the skin. Unlike the other vitamins mentioned, niacin can be effective as a mask directly on the skin.