Explore Colored and Disposbale Contact Lenses

There are four options for people with poor eyesight: glasses, contacts, surgery, or bumping into things. Glasses suit some people just fine: other people feel self-conscious in glasses and prefer contacts. My friend Wes detested his glasses, but was too lazy to take care of his contacts. He frequently slept in them; rarely cleaned them. So Wed went around with red-rimmed, swollen, crusty eyes for a couple of years. Since this was before they invented truly extended-wear lenses, he opted for having laser surgery for his nearsightedness. He had to have it redone in one eye (his eye changed shape again after the surgery), but that was more than ten years ago, and he loves his lens-free lifestyle.

Another friend of mine, Rebecca, hated her glasses so much that she just refused to wear them--all through school. It made life hard for her because she was very nearsighted and couldn't even see people's faces in the hallways. The second Rebecca heard about contacts, she started badgering her mom for them, and when she was fifteen, her mom finally decided that she was old enough. She's worn contacts for 24 years, and only wears glasses late at night, too watch TV.

With contact lenses, you have several options in terms of how long you'll wear them, how permeable and comfortable they are, and whether they're fit for regular nearsightedness or astigmatism, where the eye is shaped differently and needs a more highly customized lens. By far the most options you have when it comes to contact are the number and type of salines, cleaners, disinfectants and eyedrops available to you. Particularly if you have allergies or sensitive eyes, the right saline matters, and the most expensive isn't always what's right.

It's amazing really, that more people don't have problems wearing contacts: it's kind of a weird thing to stick a piece of plastic in your eye, which was pretty much designed to keep anything that's not an eyeball out of the eye. But with the miracle of science, someone who can't read a book unless it's perched on her nose can drive a car across the country with the aid of two small pieces of plastic and a bottle of salt water.

Some of the problems lens wearers experience are dry, itchy eyes, redness, burning, or infection.

Rebecca, the glasses-hater, had to switch to lenses that she changes once every few weeks, after her optometrist diagnosed her with an allergy to protein deposits on her regular lenses, which only needed replacing once a year. The new lenses cost more than double the price of the old ones, but she didn't really have a choice, because she couldn't wear her old ones at all. With contacts that you throw out every couple of weeks, the protein deposits don't have much time to become an issue before the lenses are replaced with new ones.

If your eyes are bothering you consistently, you might start by switching salines. Rebecca has a hard time, being allergic to soaps, perfumes, various chemicals and latex. She had been using the saline for sensitive eyes when she suddenly developed a new allergy and wound up using the generic, non-sensitive formula again. Changing salines solved the problem, which was nice, because she wasn't crazy about her red, puffy eyelids.

If you decide to wear contacts, keeping them clean is the best way of avoiding problems with irritation and infections. Keeping lenses clean is pretty simple. Always wash your hands before taking lenses out or putting them in again. Change the saline or disinfectant in your lens case daily, and make sure to use disinfecting methods either by buying the combination disinfectant and saline, or by using a heat unit.. Use enzymatic cleaners on a weekly basis to remove deposits on extended-wear lenses, and rinse them well after enzyming them.

If you're scrupulous about lens hygiene but still have troubles, you may have an allergy. Talk to your optometrist, and try changing salines, cleaners or lenses.

Do and Don't for Normal Skin

Normal skin is certainly the type of skin easier to take charge, but only because it is normal does not mean it does not require basic care. Like any other type of skin, normal skin should always be washed daily and hydrated to prevent dry skin or acne. Here are some do's and don'ts of normal skin.

Do not smoke. Have you ever noticed the skin of someone who is a smoker? It seems tissue paper thin and is likely in wrinkles. Even if you do smoke, stop to prevent this from happening to you.

Do not sunbathe. Do not deceive you, there is no tanning safer. Any kind of sun exposure to cause damage, wrinkles, liver spots and even skin cancer.

Do not touch or rub your face. To touch your face to transfer oil from your skin which can leave plugged, which can cause acne to develop.

Do not wash your face with soap because it can irritate the skin. Always choose a mild cleanser, preferably without dyes or perfumes.

Do not wash your face twice a day, once in the morning and again before going to bed.

Always take off your makeup before going to bed, no matter how late it is or how tired you are. Makeup will clog the pores on the left if for too long, which can cause acne to develop.

Do not always use a moisturizer. Even if you do not have oily skin in particular, moisturizing can help hydrate the skin. Without hydration, the skin may become dry and possibly promote wrinkles.

Do exfoliate once a week. Scrub removes dead cells, which in turn promotes the growth of new cells in the skin and leaves your skin smooth research.

Do not use sunscreen to protect your face when you go out in the sun. Our faces are the most exposed parts of our body and it sees the sun more. Use a moisturizer with a SPF of at least 15 or use a sunscreen in conjunction with your moisturizer.

What kind of perfume should I wear in winter?

When asked what kind of perfume should I wear in winter, the real question is reminiscent of perfume smells of the season and mood. During the summer, light fragrance always entitled to obtain memories of warm days on the beach, enjoy the sun and water. The scents are fruity or recall the spring and summer flowers. The fragrance of winter, on the other hand, tend to be somewhat heavy and evoke images of autumn cool and crisp winter day. Instead remember when you were lying on the beach, you think to take a long walk through leaf litter or his birthplace in a warm coat.

In winter, most people wear increasingly heavy clothing. Unlike the spring and summer, there is not as exposed skin. Fragrances worn during the winter should be able to overcome most are covered with clothes, and one of the reasons fragrances tend to be a little stronger. The scent of musk is an excellent example of a heavy scent more appropriate for winter than summer.

Perfumes Winter scents that reflect the flavors of holidays and days of winter cold. For example, perfumes May wooded have a style or remind the wearer of holiday desserts with vanilla beans. Winter fragrances are generally worn so that the flavor is not overpowering. A smell of perfume winter should be a subtle fragrance that the holder is reminiscent of the sexy heat.

What kind of perfume should I wear in winter? When you ask this question, the answer is to wear one that works well for you. The same fragrance will produce a different result on each person. What smells good on a May smell quite different on your body. When choosing a perfume scent of winter, select the scents that reminds you of the season.

Safe And Successful Stretch Mark Treatments

Stretch marks leave unwanted scars on the skin that can be annoying. With the development of different methods of treatment, these unwanted marks can now be treated.

Stretch marks are normally caused by a lot of factors. These may be pregnancy, weight loss, and body building while taking steroids and growths spurts. Marks can be usually seen on hips, thighs, abdomens, buttocks, lower backs and arms. The good news is that they can be treated in different ways depending on the degree of damage of the skin.

The natural stretch mark removal is the most common method used. This is done with the use of creams and lotions. Some are even in the form of diet and exercises. Lotions and creams help to regain skin surrounding the substance by way of stimulating the combination of collagen and elastin. Some of these products contain Vitamin E, rose hip oil, plant oils, shea butter, and cocoa butter. However, this method may not be very effective in treating stretch marks. Some of these products may treat or remove stretch marks but it does not completely remove the marks.

The employment of laser technology is one of the most effective stretch mark removal methods. The laser will burn the skin bearing the stretch marks. The Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) are used in this technique. This involves continuous treatment until the mark is totally gone. Once the mark is removed, a new skin will develop and it will replace the old skin. The laser method is pretty safe and is without any side effects on the patient. The patient may experience minor effects but these are all temporary.

On the other hand, the surgical stretch mark treatment is one of the most common and helpful methods in treating this skin problem. A surgical operation is conducted to the affected area of the skin. In many cases, the skin just below the belly is removed because this is typically the area that easily gets stretch marks. Surgical procedure is ideal for mature stretch marks. Though it is effective, it requires a lot of time for the patient to recover compared to other methods.

A non surgical alternative is done through a cosmetic dermatology. It is one of the prevalent treatments for stretch mark elimination and is effective for newer scars. This procedure includes chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and blue light therapy. Microdermabrasion which is derived from dermabrasion, involves blasting micro-crystals to purposely sand the superficial layer of the skin. Dermabrasion on the other hand, is utilized as a rough procedure aiming to clear the damaged skin layer by the use of a diamond phrase.

Fortunately, there is a proven stretch mark prevention available. It comes with ingredients such as antioxidants, elastin boosters, enzymes, and collagen. These help a lot in controlling the degrading of cells due to overstretching. This treatment does not use any synthetic chemicals or man made drugs. It only comes from a biological active molecule that has the most complete and balanced results created to repair the damaged skin. It is extracted from the living cells of creatures which have the ability to cure or repair their damaged skin.

This extracted product comes in two versions with specific purposes. One is to prevent marks while the other treats rough or mature stretch marks. Furthermore, possible harm to the skin can be prevented by recapturing the skin’s normal tissue composition. It can be attained by biological molecules formed by proteins and enzymes. These supply essentials of a healthy skin such as glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, and elastin.

While there are quite a few types or methods of stretch mark treatments, it is still important to consult experts before undergoing any medical procedure or using any commercially available products. You must remember that these procedures do not produce the same results as others. Products or methods that work well with other people might not be effective for you or worse it may even expose you to serious danger. In addition, some of the advertised products do not actually work at all. There are few issues that have to be considered. These issues include the sensitivity and quality of your skin as well as the possibility of chemical reactions that might endanger either your health or your skin. Your dermatologist can identify if you have any allergic reactions to any chemical products.

About Author Jayesh Bagde :
For more information on Celebrities with Stretchmarks please visit our website http://stretchmarktreatments.net/celebrities.html

Acid Reflux Symptoms Recognizing The Warning Signs

The wise have always said, "Prevention is better than cure". Similarly, recognizing the potential symptoms of acid reflux disease at an early stage will allow you to cure it more easily and timely. So watch out for the warning signs before it is too late.

Medical experts have found out that a heart burn and acid regurgitation are the main symptoms of this disease. However, some people with this disease may not suffer from a heart burn at all. Hence, it is very important to learn about other symptoms of this disease in order to reach out for medical assistance on time.

Here are some of the most common warning signs you need to watch for when trying to recognize whether you have an acid reflux in your stomach.

Potential acid reflux symptoms:

a)Burning sensation inside the chest

The burning sensation usually begins in the region just behind the sternum or the breastbone. It may then start traveling to the throat. The sensation is common just after you eat something. The discomfort may last for a few minutes and up to as long as several hours. Rush to a doctor if you are suffering from a burning sensation in the chest for a long time.

b)Difficulty in swallowing

The state of dysphagia or trouble with swallowing is also experienced with people suffering from acid reflux. This happens when food is unable to pass from the mouth via the esophagus to the stomach as it normally does. You may experience a sensation of food sticking inside the throat after eating. There is also a feeling of chest pressure, choking or burning after eating. It is also common to experience difficulty swallowing each time you try to eat. Don't waste time. Get yourself evaluated by a physician. This may also be a symptom for esophageal cancer or erosive esophagitis.

c)Bitter or sour taste inside the mouth

This can occur as soon as the contents inside the stomach reflux up inside the esophagus. The contents usually reach the back of the throat, leaving a sour or bitter taste inside the mouth.

d)Chronic coughing

This is a rare symptom. Some patients may suffer from chronic coughing due to acid reflux inside their stomach. This is usually a result of refluxed stomach acid getting aspirated.

e)A burning feeling inside the throat

This is a type of burning sensation usually high up inside the neck. This occurs on a lower level but the burning sensation may bring a lot of discomfort to you. You would experience the worst effect when you swallow food. The sensation can result due to the irritation when the contents of the stomach have refluxed up inside the throat. The situation may get worse. Hence, it is important to visit a health care practitioner as soon as you can.

f)Wheezing or symptoms similar to asthma

Asthma and GERD are closely associated. According to a study, most people suffering from asthma will also experience gastroesophageal reflux.

Visit your health care practitioner as soon as you observe any one of the symptoms mentioned above.